Maternal Health
Every mom should have a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Every infant should have a healthy start to life.
New York must do more to support expectant and new mothers, and to eliminate disparities in birth outcomes for moms of color and particularly Black moms.
New York has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the country. For every 100,000 live births in our state, there are 21.7 maternal deaths, compared to our national average of 23.5. The United States as a whole is facing a crisis of unacceptably poor outcomes for maternal health overall, but especially for moms of color and Black moms specifically. A Black mom in the United States is 3-4 times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications, and much more likely to give birth to new babies with low-weight at birth. From access to affordable prenatal and perinatal care to anti-discriminatory and anti-racist maternal care, to high-quality support for postpartum mental health, we must do more.
Pregnancy, giving birth, and the first year of motherhood should be a safe and supportive experience for all women. Read below to learn more about the maternal health crisis facing our state, get resources if you are a new or expectant mom who needs support, and take action to help make New York State the best place in the country to have a baby.
Maternal Mental Health
Between 15-20% of new moms experience maternal depression or anxiety. The Schuyler Center website has a number of resources covering screening, referral, and treatment for maternal mental health.
Severe Maternal Morbity
New York State’s severe maternal morbidity rate is higher than the national average, and most concerning in New York City.
The Maximizing Midwifery report outlines how we can achieve high-value maternal care in New York.
Maternal Mortality
In New York City, Black moms are more than 12 times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than White moms. New York State is ranked 30th in the nation in its maternal mortality rate, and this rate has been on the rise over the past two decades.
Read the New York State Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Advisory Council Report March 2023 report.
Disparities in Maternal Outcomes by Race
Get Support
The organizations and resources below exist to help new and expectant moms access the resources and support they need.
Sharing Their Strength
Chanel almost died. Twice.
Vanessa’s fears about protecting her baby led her to isolate herself from friends and family.
Geri fell into a deep postpartum depression after giving birth to her newborn.
These women are not alone. They are among the hundreds of thousands of New York mothers who lack access to knowledgeable medical and mental health professionals who specialize in perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.
Something must change.
The state of child care compensation, and where we go from here
While New York State has made impressive strides in increasing parent and caregiver access and affordability, the most pressing recommendation in the Child Care Availability Task Force 2024 report to increase workforce compensation, in a sustainable way, remains unfulfilled, which is unfortunate.
Child care providers are an essential part of a foster child’s success — and they deserve a permanent wage increase.
Being a foster parent is demanding yet crucial work, made possible with the support of various providers who assist with potty training, manage meltdowns, offer developmental suggestions, and love our children as their own. They are an essential part of a young foster child’s success.
Poverty Reduction and Working Families Tax Credit Advocacy Continues
Families, advocates, direct service organizations, community leaders, and policymakers gathered in Albany with elected officials to fight for families and highlight the importance of poverty-reduction policies, like the Working Families Tax Credit (WFTC), that can provide critically needed support for food, housing, child care, transportation, and other costs.